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Debug, tweak, and fine-tune your DIY electronics projects.
This hands-on guide shows, step by step, how to build, debug, and troubleshoot a wide range of analog electronic circuits. Written by electronics guru Ronald Quan, Troubleshooting Electronic Circuits: A Guide to Learning Analog Circuits clearly explains proper debugging techniques as well as testing and modifying methods. In multiple chapters, poorly conceived circuits are analyzed and improved. Inside, you will discover how to design or redesign high-quality circuits that are repeatable and manufacturable.
Coverage includes:
• An introduction to electronics troubleshooting
• Breadboards
• Power sources, batteries, battery holders, safety issues, and volt meters
• Basic electronic components
• Diodes, rectifiers, and Zener diodes
• Light-emitting diodes (LEDs)
• Bipolar junction transistors (BJTs)
• Troubleshooting discrete circuits (simple transistor amplifiers)
• Analog integrated circuits, including amplifiers and voltage regulators
• Audio circuits
• Troubleshooting analog integrated circuits
• Ham radio circuits related to SDR
• Trimmer circuits, including the 555 chip and CMOS circuits
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