Design and build custom hardware interfaces for the Raspberry Pi and discover low-cost display and sensor options for embedded system projects.
With this book, you'll master 12C communications using Raspbian Linux in C++ and perform ADC and DAC experiments. You'll experiment with debounce buttons and switches using hardware and software solutions. Develop flywheel rotary encoder effects for ease of tuning and construct a hardware interface to the Music Playing Daemon (MPD) with developed software. Discover how to add your own hardware keypad for remote combination lock applications.
Custom Raspberry Pi Interfaces offers a thorough chapter on interfacing 5-volt systems to 3.3-volt Raspberry Pis designed to expand your choice of peripheral options. Ready-to-go C++ programs involving GPIO and I2C peripherals are provided. This book also explores ADC, DAC, rotary encoders, and CMOS shift registers. I2C I/O extenders.
What you'll learn:
- Build simple, low-cost input/output interfaces, including rotary encoders.
- Interface with 5-volt devices from a 3-volt Raspberry Pi system.
- Apply analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversions on the Pi.
- Read potentiometers (volume control) from the Pi.
- Determine the steps, directions, and velocity of a rotary encoder.
- Perform remote interfacing using the I2 PCF8574 chip.
- Work with external CMOS devices like the 74HC595 (in C++)
Who this book is for: Students and hobbyists interested in building custom interfaces for their Raspberry Pis.
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