MicroPython for Microcontrollers: Projects with Thonny-IDE, uPyCraft-IDE, and ESP32
The ‘Python' programming language has enjoyed an enormous upswing in recent years. Not least, various single-board systems such as the Raspberry Pi have contributed to its popularity. But Python has also found widespread use in other fields, such as artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning (ML). Therefore, it is evident that SoCs (Systems on Chip) should also utilize Python or the ‘MicroPython' variant.
Powerful controllers such as the ESP32 from Espressif Systems offer excellent performance as well as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionality at an affordable price. With these features, the Maker scene has been taken by storm. Compared to other controllers, the ESP32 has a significantly larger flash and SRAM memory, as well as a much higher CPU speed. Due to these characteristics, the chip is not only suitable for classic C applications but also for programming with MicroPython.
This book introduces the application of modern one-chip systems. In addition to the technical background, the focus is on MicroPython itself. After the introduction to the language, the programming skills learned are immediately put into practice. The individual projects are suitable for use in the laboratory as well as for everyday applications. So, in addition to the actual learning effect, the focus is also on the joy of building complete and useful devices. By using laboratory breadboards, circuits of all kinds can be realized with little effort, turning the testing and debugging of 100% homebrew projects into an instructive pleasure.
The various applications, such as weather stations, digital voltmeters, ultrasound range finders, RFID card readers, or function generators, make the projects presented ideally suited for practical courses or subject-and-study work in the natural sciences or science and technology classes.
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