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ESP32 Programming for the Internet of Things (2 ed)

SKU: BF-0338

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $5.00.

  • Publisher: ‎Sever Spanulescu
  • Author: Sever Spanulescu
  • Language: ‎English, Russian
  • Format: ‎PDF
  • Pages: 327 pages
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ESP32 Programming for the Internet of Things – Second Edition: HTML, JavaScript, MQTT, and WebSockets Solutions (Microcontrollers and IT Book 1)

It is estimated that trillions of devices will be interconnected over the next decade through the Internet of Things, demanding a huge effort from developers. The emergence of cheap Espressif microcontrollers, featuring WiFi connectivity, allows independent developers to quickly become part of this process.

This book is not intended to teach you the theory comprehensively but to give you practical and fully functional solutions in complete programs. Some readers already know much of the theory or may find it in many other textbooks. But the programs presented here include great effort and have many original solutions following one of the basic paradigms of programming: “Keep it simple.”. And—the most important thing for such a book—all programs have already been verified by third parties, in this case, students from Hyperion University, who have provided valuable feedback.

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Sever Spanulescu






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