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Delmar’s Standard Textbook of Electricity (7 ed)

SKU: BF-0035

Original price was: $218.95.Current price is: $10.00.

  • Publisher: ‎Cengage Learning
  • Author: Stephen Herman
  • Language: English
  • Format: ‎PDF
  • Pages: 1024 pages


Combine comprehensive coverage of basic electrical theory with practical “how-to” information to prepare students for real practice with DELMAR'S STANDARD TEXTBOOK OF ELECTRICITY, 7E by Stephen Herman. This edition covers all aspects of basic theory without making any assumptions about prior electrical knowledge. The author also limits math to basic algebra and trigonometry with step-by-step examples. Quality schematics and illustrations guide students through basic electrical circuits, DC and AC theory, and equipment such as meters, transformers, and motors. Numerous examples demonstrate how to complete common tasks electricians perform, while succinct units cover only one or two topics each to ensure clarity. Furthermore, the new coverage of spike and surge protection as well as motor installation complies with the 2017 NEC. MindTap online resources are also available, including interactive multimedia and the ability to customize, track, and report progress.

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