Ramkumar Gandhinathan

Ramkumar Gandhinathan

Ramkumar is a roboticist and a researcher by profession. He started building robots since his sixth grade and has been into the robotics field for over 15 years through personal and professional connect. He has built, in person, over 80+ robots of different types. With an overall professional experience of 7 years (4 years full time and 3 years part-time/internship) in the robotics industry, he has ROS experience of 5 years. As a part of his professional career, he has built over 15+ industrial robot solutions using ROS. He also fascinates building drones and is a drone pilot by practice. His research interests and passion are towards the field of SLAM, motion planning, sensor fusion, multi-robot communication, and systems integration.

Books By Ramkumar Gandhinathan