Mike Cook has been making electronic things since he was at school in the 1960s. A former lecturer in physics at Manchester Metropolitan University, he has written more than three hundred computing and electronics articles in the pages of computer magazines for 20 years starting in the 1980s, mainly for The Micro User and Acorn Computing.
Leaving the university after 21 years when the physics department closed down, he got a series of proper jobs where he designed digital TV set-top boxes and access control systems. Now retired and freelancing, he spends his days surrounded by wires, exhibiting at Maker Fairs, and patrolling the Arduino forum as Grumpy Mike.
He is the co-author of three books about the Raspberry Pi, all published by Wiley: Raspberry Pi For Dummies, First and Second Editions (with Sean McManus); Raspberry Pi Projects (with Andrew Robison); and Raspberry Pi Projects for Dummies (with Jonathan Evans). He also has a monthly column in The MagPi, an online and print magazine published by the Raspberry Pi Foundation.