Jerry Twomey

Jerry Twomey

Jerry Twomey has designed many consumer, medical, aerospace, and commercial

products. This includes: high-speed data communication, satellite chipsets, medical

instrumentation, cell phones, RF devices, and others. His focus is nondigital electronics,

namely those areas where the biggest challenges are. With a breadth of experience

designing ICs, PCBs and systems, he has developed the design techniques necessary

for reliable electronics.

Jerry has authored multiple trade magazine publications that provide solutions for

common electronic design problems. That series of articles became the catalyst for a

book that provides a clear-cut methodology to design problem-free systems.

Beyond design, Jerry teaches seminars in embedded systems, IC design, EMC, and

medical technology. Positions held include: Chair IEEE SD Solid State Circuits,

Lecturer UCSD ECE Graduate Studies, Chair IEEE SD Microwave Theory and Techniques,

Reviewer IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Reviewer IEEE Journal of

Microwave Theory and Techniques, and Instructor UCSD Extension.

Beyond electronics, Jerry enjoys racing and cruising sailboats, restoring classic cars

and other hands-on projects, downhill skiing, hiking and camping, yoga, music,

and margaritas. After being raised in Massachusetts, migrating to Silicon Valley, and

moving to San Diego, he’s seen the sunset from both sides of the country.

Books By Jerry Twomey